Workshop: Charlatans or Explorers?

April 26, 2024

The Hungarian Europe Society organised an in-person and on-line workshop under the auspices of DIACOMET in cooperation with the SCIENCE+ regional project. The workshop entitled “Scientific disinformation and populism” took place on April 25th 2024.

First, Zsolt Hanula, editor of and head of the Techtud column of the portal, gave an introductory presentation on the methods of identifying scientific disinformation and the role of fact-checking in journalists’ work.

Afterwards, his colleague Nikoletta Nagy presented the SCIENCE+ regional cooperation in detail and some of the results of the project with a special focus on the COVID-19 pandemic and the Russian aggression against Ukraine.

Then, journalist Péter Lugosi elaborated the phenomena of disinformation in the field of history studies and presented a method on how journalists might find the motivations of disinformation propagators and the reasons for their success.

Thank you all for joining us!