Our project was acknowledged in a scientific article, published in Media and Communication journal in January 2025.
The open-access article, written by a representative of DIACOMET coordinator Vytautas Magnus University Auksė Balčytienė, is titled “Strengthening Responsible Journalism Through Self-Efficacious Learning-Oriented Media Literacy Interventions” and as written in its abstract “investigates the challenges journalism professionals face in a rapidly changing digital media environment, proposing that a ‘processual’ and human-centered perspective might offer valuable insights into developing resilient professionalism”.
We invite you to access the full article on this link.
Balčytienė, A. (2025). Strengthening Responsible Journalism through Self-efficacious Learning-Oriented Media Literacy Interventions. Media and Communication, 2025, Volume 13, Article 9038, https://doi.org/10.17645/mac.9038