DIACOMET officially launched

July 22, 2023

A new EU-funded project was launched with a kick-off meeting in Kaunas, Lithuania.

We are honoured and proud to have officially launched DIACOMET – a new EU-funded project, involving ten European universities, media companies, non-governmental and research organizations. The project, which will run for three years, started with a kick-off meeting at Vytautas Magnus University (VMU).

VMU is joined by nine other project partners: University of Tartu (Estonia), University of Tampere (Finland), Austrian Academy of Sciences (Austria), University of Ljubljana (Slovenia), Utrecht University of Applied Sciences (Netherlands), UAB Delfi (Lithuania), Hungarian Europe Society (Hungary), Center for Policy Studies “Praxis” (Estonia) and associated partner Università della Svizzera Italiana (Switzerland).

The program of the first project conference included a keynote address by Aidan White, president of the Ethical Journalism Network, former General Secretary of the International Federation of Journalists and member of DIACOMET Advisory Board, titled Ethical Journalism: an Inspiration for Free Expression.

Aidan White also joined the panel discussion titled Towards Inclusive Civic Accountability Framework with Daphne Koene (the Netherlands Press Council and DIACOMET Advisory Board member), Krisztina Rozgonyi (Austrian Academy of Sciences), Dainius Radzevičius (Lithuanian Union of Journalists) and Marko Milosavljević (University of Ljubljana).

The project consortium also discussed the project’s work packages and presented each participating country within the context of existing media accountability frameworks.

The DIACOMET project is part of the Horizon Europe research and innovation program under Culture, Creativity, and Inclusive Society. The project consortium received a budget of 2.998.012,50 euros to promote citizens’ resilience and accountability and support ethical communication until the end of May 2026.