Six DIACOMET work packages

October 9, 2023

The workload of DIACOMET project is divided in six work packages, each one ran by a separate partner institution. Read further to find out how our project is organised.

WP1 – Theory

The leader of WP1 is University of Tartu.

The main objectives of this work package are to theoretically and methodologically elaborate and adapt the concepts of dialogic communication ethics (DCE) and ‘civic accountability’ for developing inclusive accountability mechanisms. Partners will work on the conceptualization of ‘civic resilience’ from the perspective of DCE, develop didactics of raising moral awareness of individuals as well as the methodology for teaching communication ethics in formal education. The goal of this work package is to create a concept for an online forum for discussing problematic ethical issues and cases that include moral choices.

WP2 – Code and Accountability

The leader of WP2 is the Austrian Academy of Sciences.

The main objectives of this work package are to identify principles of an inclusive ethics of dialogic communication and summarise them in a new Civic Code of Good Communication Conduct (CGC). The partners will develop the concept, a prototype and test the inclusive civic accountability mechanisms, they will also develop policy recommendations for the implementation and sustainability of those mechanisms.

WP3 – Actors’ Perceptions

The leader of WP3 is the University of Tampere.

The goals of this work package are to identify interpretations of declared/normative values and principles held by various stakeholders in public communication in consortium countries. The project partners will analyze tensions between ethical ideals and practice among different stakeholder groups and articulate specific vulnerabilities to be taken into account when conceiving more robust basis for ethical ideals and their implementation.

WP4 – Game and Forum

The leader of WP4 is the Lithuanian branch of the largest Baltic news portal Delfi.

The main objectives of this work package are constructing an interactive ‘dilemma game’ online, launching a public forum for debating and negotiating ethical issues and designing/providing technical solutions for the project’s website.

WP5 – Dissemination, Exploitation and Communication

The leader of WP5 is the University of Ljubljana.

The overall objective of this work package is to maximize the impact of the project and ensure its lasting societal impact. The partners will work hard to raise awareness of the project in targeted user groups and on targeted platforms, get their feedback during the project duration and facilitate the exploitation of the DIACOMET results.

WP6 – Management and Ethics

The leader of WP6 is Vytautas Magnus University.

The main objectives of this work package are to efficiently manage and coordinate the DIACOMET project, ensuring that all the objectives are successfully achieved in time and in high quality. The aim is to provide overall project administration support to the partners, facilitate and organise project meetings and manage/mitigate risks affecting the project implementation.