Aidan White on the need for a “digital code”

4 liepos, 2023

An interview with DIACOMET Advisory Board member Aidan White was published by the Slovenian public broadcaster.

President of the Ethical Journalism Network, former General Secretary of the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and DIACOMET Advisory Board member Aidan White gave an interview for the Slovenian public broadcaster RTV Slovenia.

He spoke about journalism and media responsibility, new approaches and ethics of communication, changes brought by artificial intelligence (AI) and how it all ties together in our new EU-funded project, which aims to develop an inclusive Civic Code of Good Communication Conduct. 

Aidan White stated in the interview for RTV Slovenia: “The code will be a useful way of encouraging people not only to recognize information that is ‘toxic’, but also to help them in their own communication by suggesting ways in which they can improve and refine their communication and remind them of the value of respect, honesty and citizenship – all of these are important to create a more open, inclusive and truthful culture of communication.”

Read the whole interview (in Slovenian language) here.