Dissemination, Exploitation and Communication Plan – Version 1

July 19, 2024

The Dissemination, Exploitation and Communication Plan – Version 1 provides an insight into WP5 related activities within the DIACOMET project. It highlights main objectives, purpose and components of DIACOMET dissemination, communication and exploitation activities by identifying key target audiences, most beneficial communication channels and the main project outcomes, considered as candidates for key exploitable results. Those are namely the ‘dilemma game’, policy recommendations for implementation and sustainability of civic accountability mechanisms, e-book, targeted to broader audiences, and the Civic Code of Good Communication Conduct as the main tool to increase and foster accountability within the European dialogic communication.

This deliverable D5.1 therefore presents an overall strategy for ensuring dissemination, outreach and exploitation of DIACOMET project results and highlights key dissemination results already achieved so far. This is a living document that will be updated regularly over the course of the project with additional dissemination, communication and exploitations activities.