Dialogic communication ethics in the digital public sphere

May 3, 2024

Dr. Tobias Eberwein, DIACOMET team leader from the Austrian Academy of Sciences in Vienna, gave a guest lecture at the University of Brasília (Brazil) in which he discussed key insights from the ongoing research within the DIACOMET project.

His presentation with the title “Dialogic communication ethics in the digital public sphere“ summarized some of the conceptual basics relevant for the DIACOMET study and gave an overview with regards to previous empirical research — particularly in the field of media accountability. It also offered an outlook on the various outputs promised by the DIACOMET researchers. 

Tobias’ talk was a new installment of the lecture series “Conflict, competition and cooperation in the digital public sphere”, organized by PD Dr. Liriam Sponholz, Professor of Communication at the University of Brasília. For DIACOMET, it was a brilliant opportunity to engage in a discussion with an audience of international scholars and students from different continents.

The lecture was also broadcast live via YouTube. A documentation of the talk in an anthology targeting university educators and student is under preparation.