Data Management Plan

July 19, 2024

The Deliverable 6.3 Data Management Plan is part of WP6 – Management and Ethics and its specific task 6.5. The task looks into the data and innovation management and provides a framework for organizing and structuring DIACOMET research to optimize data quality, reliability, and adequacy throughout and beyond the project’s duration.

Considering technical, organizational, structural, legal, and ethical dimensions, the Data Management Plan ensures high-quality, secure, sustainable, and, where feasible, accessible and reusable research data. Additionally, it serves as a comprehensive reference guide for consortium members, delineating the research data lifecycle from planning and organisation to documentation, processing, storage, protection, sharing, and publication.

The Plan is a living document, initially approved by the consortium at the project’s outset (M6), it will undergo updates and adjustments when necessary, as the project progresses.